These Are My Friends and Family


Yusime The Legendary Dragon

She is the mother of Kenahu and the Ruler of all Dragons till her Evil Brother Denahu killed her and her kingdom.


She's the Princess of the moon and the daughter of Queen Kenahu.


Shes Brave,and even though she has a Dark side shes always protect the ones she cares for.

Serena the Wolf Demon

She's the Leader of the Wolf Demons, the Daughter of Queen Kenahu and sister of Princess Neko and Princess Starlight

Neko the Fox Demon

She's The Leader of the fox Demon and shes also the daughter of Queen Kenahu and the sister of Princess Starlight

Yuuki The Vampire



 hes trapped is Trapped in the under world and Banished By Kinasody


Shes a great God and also a Great Sister, But She also protects her Sisters and her Friends from danger they come across, but she mostly looks after Shesona and Kenahu but mostly Kenahu who gets into Danger and trouble. but she also have stole many powers from every demon or warlock that im powerful too

Akira Flower

Shes my Sister as well and i love her as much as all the others.

Zane The Evil Silver Fang Dragon Demon

He was Banish to the Death world for betraying the kingdom, and he also showed his Daughter Kenahu about how to kill and Destroy but she refused and went with the Gold Dragon and Kyota Gaurdain but one day his going to kill her for betraying him

Iria Kuran-Vampiress-

She's the leader of the Kuran clan and a powerful Vampire of all

Kenahu The Ruler of All Gaurdains

She's Powerful of all Demons, Vampires, Dragons and even Gods, sometimes shes insane and gets into trouble sometimes but she looks after her family, sisters, and even her friends and she also protects them from any danger even against her Farther.

Shesona The Kyota Gaurdain

 You are the most respected guardian.You are first in command and use nature to attack.You are mostly interested in nature itself.You are strong and have wings. and she Always Saves Kenahu from Trouble and Dangers but she always helps her out.

Jamel The Demon Warrior

He's the Protecter of everyone he protects his Family and Friends and but his also Funny

Angel The Vampire Princess

Shes one of the toughest fighters of all she never lets her gaurd down nor turn her back when she needs help to fight demons and Evil Vampires but never stays away from her sisters, but she also protects the one she loves, her Sisters and her lover she protects them with her life.

Kinasody"Dragon Queen of the Gold Dragons"

She has ruled the gold dragons for almost six years on May 2nd she knows all about the dragon homeland and about us humans.She is a trust worthy dragon that sometimes gets into trouble but she always gets out of it somehow and on May 2nd 2010 she will be 24 years old(14 in human years)anyway she always goes to a peaceful place like the one in the picture.She can also transform into many things including a human.Her favorite spell is Levitation but she doesnt use it that much and her favorite ability is called Sidestep.She allows her allied humans and immortals to ride her as they please. And shes also my one my best sisters ever.

Seno The Tekeso Demon

He's an idoit that bugs Kinasody, and Shesona but he gets a beaten by them XD.

Chindo The Weho Demon

Same as Him. He bugs them too but get the same thing and falls into traps by Shesona and Kinasody.

Akado The Nekoro Demon

Paragraph.Your the healer and trainer of the group.You appear human but you are a full fledged demon.You hate to fight and you silent and calm.